Vendor Guidelines (as of 2023)

We are an all-volunteer organization. There are no paid positions. As a vendor, you will become part of a friendly group of local producers who offer items for sale which you have grown or made yourself. These may include fruits, vegetables, agricultural products such as honey, eggs, baked goods, jams, jellies, plants and farm raised animal products, as well as crafts such as woodworking, soap, lotions, jewelry, woven and fabric crafts.  

Processed agricultural products such as meats, baked goods, jams and jellies must be prepared in legal, licensed and inspected facilities. Proof of inspection for all processed products is required and must be available for inspection at your sales area. Please see the TN Department of Agriculture website for the regulations regarding inspections for items you hope to sell at this market.

In order to operate, we require modest income to offset the costs such as signage, and program expenses. Our seasonal vendors are asked to make a $25 annual donation, and weekly vendors are requested to contribute $5/week. You are not renting space to sell, you are helping make this community effort viable.  

In addition to this financial assistance, you may be asked periodically to help in the routine operation of the market, by assisting in such jobs as traffic control, putting up/taking down signage, passing around the weekly log of participants, helping with programs. These jobs earn you free membership in our organization. And always, greeting the public, making them feel welcome, and working together with all the other vendors to maintain an atmosphere of good will is essential.

The following guidelines were established by mutual agreement at one of our annual organizational meetings - which take place yearly at the beginning of April. They were designed to keep high quality products the standard at the market and to maintain friendly relationships between vendors and with the public.

1. The products you offer for sale are grown or made by you. "You" may be an individual, a family, a small local farming business, a few neighbors or friends who garden together --list who the members of your group are on the application. No reselling of purchased products allowed. Honesty builds an atmosphere of mutual trust, which is essential to the success of our market.

2. You set your prices by considering the fair value for your work and what our community is able to pay for your product. While we do not set prices, we encourage you to not purposely undercut other vendors for a similar product. Build your customer base on the uniqueness and quality of your product and on personal relationships with your customers. We encourage co-operation, rather than competitiveness.  

Our customers come primarily for produce. Because the customer base for sale of agricultural products such as honey, jams, jellies and baked goods, as well as for craft items is smaller, we intentionally limit the number of vendors selling similar products. 

3. In setting up your sales area, please consider having some sort of shelter, such as a tent. It will help maintain your products in better condition, as well as provide some respite from the heat and weather for you. Other vendors will help you set up a tent, so please don't worry about the need for assistance.

Your sales area should not have produce directly lying on the ground or hot asphalt for health reasons--keep it 6" off the ground. Identifying yourself/your farm with a sign helps customers know who you are.  Clearly, marking the price of products is also suggested. As part of routine market maintenance, you are expected to clean up the space you use before leaving. 

You will be providing your own change, keeping your own sales records and are responsible for any sales tax yourself. We do not report your sales to any governmental agency. 

4.  We do not allow vehicular traffic through the market once it starts for safety reasons.  Please help customers with carrying purchases to their cars.  We have a mixture of ages attending our market; children especially are not aware of environmental dangers. The market manager has a rudimentary first aid kit, cold water, and a cellphone to call for assistance. Please help us keep everyone safe.

5.  This parking lot is not public property; it belongs to Seymour First Baptist Church.  We are allowed to use it for our market under their good graces. This is a family-friendly event. We expect that everyone will behave appropriately. We reserve the right to ask anyone who behaves inappropriately to leave. If you have concerns, or see a dangerous situation developing, please contact the market manager for help in addressing the issue.

  • Vendor registration is usually the first Saturday in May. Vendors who pay a seasonal fee will be assigned a spot for the entire season. Weekly vendors must check with the market manager BEFORE setting up to be assigned a spot. Additional vendors selling their own produce are generally welcome throughout the season--check with the market manager first.

  • The number of vendors selling only non-agricultural crafts is limited to 20%-25% of total vendors. These craft vendors are selected by a committee for the season, please send your applications in March for consideration--decisions will be made by early May each year. Sorry, but additional craft only vendors will not be added during the season.